Vision Partners

Supporting the Caring for Caregivers Program

The 600 dedicated frontline staff of Episcopal Homes offer exceptional care for our residents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Through the Episcopal Homes Vision Partners program, we partner with local businesses to provide educational scholarships and emergency assistance for our caregivers. Launched in spring 2021, Caring for Caregivers provides equitable educational access and vocational stability for our vital yet vulnerable frontline caregiver workforce, 70% of whom identify as people of color.

As a result of the Caring for Caregivers program, our caregivers feel more secure in their valuable work of taking care of others and benefit from the financial security that comes with higher earnings and career development.

To Date:

  • We have provided $75,000 in assistance for 60 staff members.
  • We offered $398,715 in employee scholarships supporting 61 staff members in reaching their educational goals.

As a Vision Partner your support sustains the two components of the Caring for Caregivers Program:

  • EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE FUND: In the United States, 1 in 4 people have no emergency savings. Our Employee Assistance Fund is a tool to help our employees and their families weather unexpected crises, including help with car repairs, eviction prevention/rental assistance, utility bills, and medical bills. Application criteria are designed to ensure employees whose families are most in need receive support.
  • EMPLOYEE SCHOLARSHIP FUND: Scholarships provide an impactful way for us to enrich employees’ opportunities for career advancement and family economic stability while at the same time addressing our community’s direct care workforce and retention gap. More than 80% of students graduating with assistance from the Employee Scholarship Fund continue their employment with Episcopal Homes.

To join the Vision Partners team, make a donation using THIS LINK, or send a check to:

Episcopal Homes Foundation
490 East Lynnhurst Ave
St. Paul, MN 55104

Questions? Need an Invoice? Contact us:, 651-632-8855.




  • Business Name on Website
  • Business Name in bi-annual Newsletter, distribution list of 2,000
  • Business Name in Annual Report
  • Business Name in program for Annual Meeting

Our Supporters



  • Logo on Website
  • Logo in bi-annual Newsletter, distribution list of 2,000
  • Logo in Annual Report
  • Logo in program for Annual Meeting

Our Builders



  • Logo on Website
  • Logo in bi-annual Newsletter, distribution list of 2,000
  • Logo in Annual Report
  • Logo in program for Annual Meeting
  • Invitation to Annual Meeting

Our Advocates



  • Logo on Website
  • Logo in bi-annual Newsletter, distribution list of 2,000
  • Logo in Annual Report
  • Logo in program for Annual Meeting
  • Invitation to Annual Meeting
  • Speaking opportunity at Annual Meeting (up to 3 minutes)
  • Inspirational on-campus Group Volunteer Activity with celebratory toast in the Episcopal Homes pub

Mairs & Power – Vision Partners

The relationship between Mairs & Power and Episcopal Homes dates back over 15 years with multiple family connections linking the organizations. Mairs & Power really believes in the mission of the Vision Partners program, as strong staff are fundamental to helping people thrive in their older age and in building community. “Not everyone has a

If you are interested in supporting our frontline caregivers through educational scholarships and financial assistance, complete the form below.

Questions? Email ( or give us a call today at 651-632-8854.